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Upgrading your shower base and doors is a fantastic way to give your bathroom a fresh look and boost its functionality. Whether you’re going for a sleek, modern vibe or just need to make your shower more accessible, picking the right options will give you the results you want. A shower upgrade can make your daily routine more enjoyable and add value to your home. From deciding on materials and styles to making sure everything fits together perfectly, there’s a lot to think about.

Factors to Consider When Upgrading Shower Base & Doors, Boston, MA

Assessing Your Bathroom Space

Before you start upgrading your shower, take a good look at your bathroom space. Measure the dimensions carefully so you know exactly what size shower base and doors will fit without crowding the room. Think about the layout and make sure your new shower won’t interfere with other fixtures like the sink or toilet. Pay attention to where your plumbing is located, as this can affect where you place the new shower. This will help you set the stage for a smooth upgrade that looks great and works perfectly in your bathroom.

Factors to Consider When Selecting Shower Doors

Choosing the right shower doors can make a big difference in both the look and functionality of your bathroom. First, think about the type of doors that best suit your space and needs—sliding doors are great for saving space, hinged doors offer a classic look, and bi-fold doors can be a clever solution for tight spots. Next, consider the materials. Glass is a popular choice, and you can go for clear, frosted, or textured depending on your privacy needs and style preferences. Acrylic is another option that’s durable and lightweight. Frameless doors provide a sleek, modern look, while framed or semi-frameless options can add a bit of structure and stability.

Choosing the Right Shower Base

Picking the right shower base is just as important as selecting the perfect doors. Start by thinking about the material that suits your needs best. Acrylic and fiberglass are popular choices because they’re durable and easy to clean, while tile and stone can give your bathroom a more luxurious feel. Whether you go for a rectangular, square, or custom shape, make sure the shape and size of your shower base fits well within your bathroom space. Bases with textured surfaces or non-slip coatings can help prevent accidents. A slip-resistant base can provide extra peace of mind, especially if you have kids or elderly family members using the shower.

Mix-n-Match Shower Base and Doors

When it comes to mixing and matching your shower base and doors, getting the right combination can really elevate your bathroom’s style. Matching styles and colors can create a cohesive and polished look, while contrasting elements might add a touch of modern flair. Functionality is just as important as appearance. Make sure the doors you choose fit well with the shower base you’ve picked, both in terms of size and compatibility with your bathroom’s layout. This will help you design a bathroom that’s visually appealing and functional.

Call Bay State Bath

If your shower base and doors need an update, there’s no easier call than choosing Bay State Bath. Because we specialize exclusively in bathroom renovations, our experts ensure the finest craftsmanship and attention to detail. With decades of experience, our woman-owned, family-owned business prides itself on delivering stunning bath remodels in just one day. When you call, you’ll speak directly with our family, guaranteeing personalized and caring service. Contact us today and let us help you craft the bathroom of your dreams.