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When renovating your bathroom, the primary goal is to give your space a fresh look, but strategic bathroom remodeling can also enhance your home’s value. Whether you’re looking to sell soon or just want to enjoy a more luxurious bathroom, understanding how to maximize your return on investment (ROI) is crucial. From choosing value-added bathroom upgrades to avoiding costly mistakes, this guide will help you navigate how to increase home value with a bathroom renovation.

Bathroom renovating ideas by Bay State Bath, New England, MA.

Strategic Bathroom Remodeling for Maximum ROI

Bathroom renovations are one of the top home improvements for getting a good ROI. On average, these projects yield a return of 72.7% of the investment. This impressive figure demonstrates the importance of focusing on strategic upgrades that appeal to your family today and potential buyers in the future.

High-Value Upgrades That Pay Off

Here are some specific bathroom improvements that offer the highest ROI:

  • Flooring and tile upgrades: Refresh your bathroom’s look with modern porcelain or ceramic tiles. These materials are durable, waterproof, and cost-effective. For added luxury, consider radiant floor heating, which is particularly appealing in Rhode Island’s colder climate.
  • Vanity and cabinets: Update your vanity with stone countertops and a modern sink and faucet design. Also, consider extending the vanity and adding plumbing to support double sinks in the master bathroom. If such upgrades aren’t in the budget, don’t forget the impact of simple changes like painting the cabinets or replacing hardware.
  • Shower and tub: Transform your bathroom’s focal point by upgrading the old fiberglass surround to a tiled walk-in shower, especially in the master bath. Just remember to keep at least one bathtub in your home, as this is a crucial feature for many buyers.
  • Natural lighting: Adding a skylight or window introduces natural light and ventilation. If this isn’t an option, you can still add a sun tunnel to direct daylight into a dark interior bathroom.
  • Custom features: For added sophistication, consider custom cabinetry, shower niches and benches, and over-the-toilet storage for a more organized, elegant bathroom.

What to Avoid for Better ROI

Not all bathroom upgrades contribute equally to your home’s value. For example, jetted tubs and custom spas may seem luxurious, but they don’t typically offer a good ROI due to their high maintenance requirements and reputation for breaking down frequently. Be mindful of your choices and prioritize functionality and broad appeal over niche luxuries, especially if you anticipate moving soon.

Bay State Bath is Committed to Excellence

At Bay State Bath, we know you want to maximize the value of your bathroom renovation. As a full-service bathroom remodeling company in New England, we specialize in value-added upgrades tailored to your unique needs. Our woman-owned, family-operated business prides itself on offering personalized service, high-quality fixtures, and peace-of-mind warranties. Let us help you increase your home’s value with a bathroom renovation designed just for you! To request a free remodeling consultation, please contact us at (781) 826-4141 today. You can also visit our showroom in Pembroke, MA.